Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Oil Refinery Modernization to Produce Clean Fuels

In 2008, Big West of California sought Kern County’s approval to modernize its oil refinery in Bakersfield, California in order to increase the local production of clean fuels. The proposed project required the construction of new refining processing units and … Read More

Nathan-Gnarus Pairing Pools Globally Recognized Leaders in Litigation Services

Nathan Associates and Gnarus Advisors LLC combined their litigation practices so law firms, corporations, and other clients could find a diverse and nimble pool of preeminent economic experts under one roof. The newest Who’s Who Legal, a U.K.-published directory, underscores the power of this combination. 

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Nathan Associates India Analyzes Scope and Potential of the Indian Fintech Market

February 13, 2017—Nathan’s India office recently analyzed the financial technology sector in India for the British High Commission in New Delhi. Financial technology, called fintech, is relatively new in India but has already attracted an investment of over $2.5 billion.

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