If Data is the New Bacon, We Need More Bacon

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By louise-williams “Data is the new bacon” Please. Data has been the bacon of economic development since the IFC plopped Doing Business, that irresistible basket of business-climate scores and rankings, on everyone’s desks in 2002.”What gets measured gets done,” said … Read More

Economic Growth Starts Here

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By Caroline Kaufman A female worker painting the fuselage roundel on a Mosquito aircraft at de Havilland’s factory at Hatfield in Hertfordshire, 1943. Source: Wikimedia Commons. March 18, 2015–In theory, it’s simple: you want robust economic growth? Start by using … Read More

Full Circle in Myanmar: a 60-Year Adventure

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Nathan Associates has returned to Myanmar to help carry out an economic program, picking up on a relationship that began six decades earlier when the firm advised the newly independent country on economic and social development. Through the USAID-funded ASEAN … Read More

A Bay Area Flavor to Development in Myanmar

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By: Michael Blakeley [This article was originally published on the Bay Area International Link (BAIL) blog] I recently\r\nreturned from Yangon, Myanmar (Burma to some) where my company, Nathan Associates Inc., is implementing a private sector development program funded by the … Read More

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