Young Guests of Nathan Hope to Serve Myanmar

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October 29, 2014 ?Three young adults with a strong\r\ncommitment to serving their native Myanmar are making the rounds of Washington,\r\nD.C., and observing work at Nathan Associates as recipients of fellowships from\r\nthe Robert R. Nathan Memorial Foundation. \r\n\r\n The\r\nthree?Wint War Lwin, … Read More

Tyler Cowen Gives Well Above Average Talk at Nathan

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October 24, 2014?Information technology and globalization\r\nhave caused an ?unbalanced growth model? with implications for advanced and\r\ndeveloping economies alike, best-selling economist Tyler Cowen told Nathan\r\nemployees. Cowen, a professor at George Mason University, gave his assessment\r\nwhile discussing why ?Average is Over,? also … Read More

Reforming Telecom Services in Kiribati

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September 9, 2013–In a new two-phase project, Nathan Associates will be assisting the Government of Kiribati as it prepares to open the country’s telecommunications sector to competition. In Phase 1, our telecommunications and privatization experts will propose ways to attract … Read More

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