Is Myanmar the Next Apparel-producing Powerhouse?

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April 20, 2012″Myanmar’s economic reforms and the possible lifting of economic sanctions by the United States and the European Union could make the country attractive to foreign investors, particularly those seeking new apparel sources. Speaking to apparel and footwear industry … Read More

Competition Law and Business Strategy in India

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Beyer and Tamara Speak on CCI and Market Networks November 29, 2012-The Competition Commission of India (CCI) enforces India’s Competition Act and became operational in 2009. Since then it has been coming down hard on companies in all sectors, instilling … Read More

Guest Blogging: East Asia Summit and Economics

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“…the United States took its seat among Asia’s major economic players that will account for an increasingly significant amount of the world’s economic activity and apparently did not engage on important economic issues.” Hear more from Senior Vice President James … Read More

Auctions and the Value of Coal in India

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October 8, 2012-In a recent article in The Hindu Business Line, Nathan India economists Samita Sareen and Sangeeta Singh explore what methods of issuing coal mining licenses will bring the most value to India’s taxpayers. Of particular concern are how … Read More

Nathan India Shortlisted for Porter Prize

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October 3, 2012-Nathan India was among 28 firms considered for the prestigious Porter Prize, awarded for the first time in India this year. Named after Harvard professor Michael Porter, the prize recognizes outstanding achievement in business strategy and competition in … Read More

Partly Privatize Air India?

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Nathan India’s study of competition in India’s civil aviation sector offers several recommendations to improve the health of the sector, but partial privatization of the troubled national carrier, Air India, is the one creating a stir. Publications such as the Hindu … Read More

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