Master Planning & Market, Financial, & Economic Feasibility Studies

Clients trust us to holistically inform their critical infrastructure decision-making with fact-based options and insights. Using a proactive, disciplined approach, Nathan assesses market demand and evaluates the economic and financial feasibility of proposed investments. With uncompromising standards for excellence, we … Read More

Nathan Economists Examine Corrective Advertising for Lanham Act Damages

Determining the cost of advertising to counter the negative financial effects of trademark infringement or false advertising requires more complicated analysis than commonly applied, according to Nathan economists D. Scott Bosworth, Russell W. Mangum, and Eric C. Matolo.\r\nWriting in the journal The Trademark Reporter, they explore the many complications, noting the existence of “common, but unsupported presumptions and inaccurate, conclusory arguments that can lead to flawed calculations of corrective advertising damages.”… Read More

Nathan Associates India Analyzes Scope and Potential of the Indian Fintech Market

February 13, 2017—Nathan’s India office recently analyzed the financial technology sector in India for the British High Commission in New Delhi. Financial technology, called fintech, is relatively new in India but has already attracted an investment of over $2.5 billion.

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Nathan’s Hayek Explores Gauging Infringement Damages after Samsung v. Apple

January 19, 2017–Marianne Ley Hayek, a managing economist at Nathan Associates, says an array of economic tools exists to calculate damages when patents for product components are infringed. Litigators may need such analysis more often after the U.S. Supreme Court’s December 6, 2016, ruling in Samsung v. Apple.… Read More

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