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Relevant Market Analysis for a Joint Venture

A multinational corporation retained Nathan India to provide expert opinion on relevant product market definition for three categories of products produced by the corporation. The client wanted to understand the implications of the Indian Competition Act for a joint venture … Read More

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Risk Profiling

For BASIX, a microfinance institution, Nathan India developed a tool that assesses the credit risk of customers. Nathan India developed questionnaires and surveyed Livelihood Service Advisors (LSAs) to understand how they evaluated loan applications, especially which criteria they used in … Read More

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Valuation of Private Judgment Recovery Firm

On behalf of a private equity investor, Nathan India conducted a valuation of a U.S. judgment recovery firm. Nathan India constructed various scenarios and used firm- and industry-level financial information to calculate risk and arrive at a valuation estimate.

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Zambia, Trade and Investment Enhancement Activities

Trade liberalization does not automatically lead to economic growth and prosperity-and Zambia’s leaders recognize that . the country’s source of growth is not necessarily copper or corn but people. To take full advantage of human potential, the Government of Zambia … Read More

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Tema-Ouagadougou Transport Corridor Logistics Analysis

The Nathan-managed TCBoost project collaborated with the West Africa Trade Hub to produce a comprehensive analysis of the transport corridor between Tema, Ghana, and Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Our expers assessed the reliability, costs, and times associated with infrastructure components along the … Read More

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Mercedes-Benz Antitrust Class Action

In re Mercedez-Benz Antitrust Litigation, No. 99-1232-SLR, U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey In September 2000, Nathan Associates’ President, John Beyer, submitted an expert report in which he concluded that an alleged price-fixing conspiracy by Mercedes-Benz USA … Read More

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United Airlines Abuse of Dominance

A class of air travelers sued United Airlines for the illegal maintenance of its monopoly power on nonstop flights between the Washington DC and San Francisco markets. They alleged that United used its market power to impose unlawful and anticompetitive … Read More

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Analysis of United States Motorcoach Census

For the American Bus Association (ABA), a trade association that represents motorcoach and tour companies in the United States and Canada, Nathan India worked with Nathan Associates in analyzing the responses of motorcoach owners who took part in a census … Read More

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Colombia, Due Diligence for Development of Container Terminal, Buenaventura

The Port of Buenaventura is Colombia’s only international port on the Pacific and is strategically important to the country’s industrial areas. In the past 10 years, annual container traffic growth at the port has averaged 11.5 percent, but recent growth … Read More

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Nigeria Airways Privatization

When the Federal Government of Nigeria launched an economic policy featuring economic liberalization and privatization of the public enterprise sector it selected Nigeria Airways as one of the first parastatal enterprises to be privatized. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) of … Read More

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