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Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Interoceanic Transport Corridor

To promote trade between Mercosur countries and the Pacific Basin market, the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, and Chile needed to reduce the cost of shipping goods to Pacific Basin countries. Nathan Associates was a member of a consortium of U.S., … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Mexico, Valuation Analysis of Spectrum Licenses for Broadband Internet Access

Private clients wanted to evaluate an investment in a Mexican government auction of spectrum licenses for broadband Internet access. Nathan Associates identified and characterized the various licenses to be auctioned off, and analyzed the market for the wireless Internet industry … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Micronesia and Marshall Islands, Liberalization of Telecommunications

For this World Bank project, Nathan Associates advised the governments of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands on the design of reforms to attract private investment in telecommunications, including telecom infrastructure. Initial estimates of the net economic benefits of direct and … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Mongolia, Civil Aviation Sector Policy Development

In 2003 the Mongolia Civil Aviation Authority (MCAA) launched the Civil Aviation Sector Policy Development Project with technical assistance funded by the Asian Development Bank and led by Nathan Associates Inc. We provided Mongolia’s Civil Aviation Authority technical assistance in … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Mozambique, Institutional Framework for Water Supply Services in Smaller Cities and Towns

Nathan Associates helped Mozambique’s National Water Department and the Water Regulatory Council prepare proposals for institutional, regulatory, and financial support to be funded under a World Bank project. We recommended institutional arrangements, staffing, cost, and technical assistance for an urban … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Panama, Trade Capacity Building Project

Through this TCB project, Nathan improved the capacity of small and medium Panamanian firms to export goods and services. Target sectors included processed agricultural products, IT, and artisan goods. In the first phase of the project, we analyzed and reported … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Review of Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund

“Refocusing the strategic direction of Africa’s largest Enterprise Challenge Fund The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) was launched in 2008 “to accelerate pro-poor growth in Africa” with the purpose of making “agribusiness, rural finance, and other rural market systems work … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Promoting Professional Services Exports

Nathan London assisted investment and export promotion agencies in Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica, Malta, Nigeria, St. Lucia, and Trinidad & Tobago in developing export strategies for professional services. The project had multiple purposes: increase trade in services in order to diversify … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Sierra Leone, Private Sector Development Strategy Programme

Nathan London collaborated with the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Sierra Leone on a pilot project applying new approaches to private sector development (PSD) in post-conflict environments. We conducted a comprehensive and broadly consultative diagnostic of the development environment, … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


Ukraine, Private Sector Development Project

Nathan London managed this £1.2 million DFID-sponsored project to improve the competitiveness of Ukraine’s medium sized businesses. This innovative project aimed to develop the country’s first national benchmarking index as a tool for improving the competitiveness of business, particularly private … Read More

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