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Page 53 of 98

How Hazard Maps Can Help You Get Your New iPhone on Time

By JANINE MANS June 9, 2015 Many goods we use daily are made of components produced along long, complex supply chains. Apple, for example, sources parts for its iPhones from more than 30 countries. These arrangements have many advantages but … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

June 9, 2015

Egyptian Entrepreneurs Add to Exports, Skills, and Energy Savings

June 4, 2015 Egyptian entrepreneurs have broadened their trade contacts and stepped up exports through participation in the U.S. Agency for International Developments Trade Facilitation Project. Nathan Associates implemented the project, also known as TFP. In less than two years, … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

June 4, 2015

Working Outside Home: No Easy Choice for Women in Developing World

By CAROLINE KAUFMAN June 2, 2015 The relationship between women and the labor force is filled with complexities and contradictions that are far too easily glossed over. For example, paid employment outside the home promotes womens economic empowerment, but this … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

June 3, 2015

Technical Assistance on Study of Ethiopian Roads Authority and Road Sector Modernization and Institutional Transformation

The Technical Assistance for the Study of Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) and Road Sector Modernization and Institutional Transformation project reflects ERA’s need to redefine its role within the Road Sector and transform and modernize its internal operations. This project intends … Read More

June 2, 2015

Technical Assistance on Study of Ethiopian Roads Authority and Road Sector Modernization and Institutional Transformation

The Technical Assistance for the Study of Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) and Road Sector Modernization and Institutional Transformation project reflects ERA’s need to redefine its role within the Road Sector and transform and modernize its internal operations. This project intends … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Liberia, Assessment of Competition in Telecommunications Market

Nathan worked closely with the Liberian Telecommunications Authority (LTA) to analyze competition in the Liberian telecommunications market in order to define and identify the relevant retail and wholesale markets. This analysis resulted in the definition of three retail markets: (a) … Read More

June 1, 2015

Real Entrepreneurship, Made in Bhutan

By JONATHAN MARIANO Bhu…What? Bhutan? Yes, not too many people know about this small Himalayan Kingdom let alone its emerging private sector. Admittedly, I only learned of Bhutan because of a geography quiz. After a quick Google search I was … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

May 29, 2015

ASEAN Women Take `GREAT’ Initiative to Enter Global Market

Women who lead small and medium enterprises in the ASEAN region will gain greater access to global markets through a marketing and branding initiative that officially began this week. The initiative, Gender Responsive Economic Actions for the Transformation of Women … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Economist Edward Leamer Says to Read the Message in the Model

Economics should concern itself with questions of public policy, and the usefulness of economic models determines their value, said economist and author Edward E. Leamer. What makes an economist great, he told an audience at Nathan Associates, is the ability … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

May 18, 2015

Somaliland, Private Sector Participation in Commercial Activities of Berbera Port

The World Bank assisted the Government of Somaliland (GoSl) to develop the economic potential of the Berbera Port through private sector participation in terminal activities at the port. Private sector participation in the commercial activities of the port was expected … Read More

May 13, 2015

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