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Economists Should Stop Apologizing and Take a Bow, Litan Says

February 19, 2015?Do you like\r\nto shop online and buy cheap gasoline? If so, you might want to save some of\r\nyour gratitude for economists. \r\n\r\n That?s the message from Robert\r\nE. Litan, arguing that his profession has contributed to business and\r\ntechnological innovations … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

February 19, 2015

Sunil Sinha, a Leader in Private Sector Development (1954–2015)

February 18, 2015–Sunil Sinha, the Managing Director of Nathan Associates\r\nLondon, a thought leader and a prominent advocate of private sector development\r\nas a key pillar for the reduction of poverty, died suddenly on February 6. \r\n\r\n Sunil, who was born in … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

February 18, 2015

Mobile Tech Will Improve Fishery and Aquaculture in Asia

January 26, 2015?Pelagic Data and P.T. Bali Seafood International were awarded first prize January 23 in a challenge competition sponsored by Maximizing Agricultural Revenue through\r\nKnowledge Enterprise Development and Trade (MARKET), a project managed\r\nby Nathan Associates. The award was announced at … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 27, 2015

Markets Could Benefit from More Detail on Short-Selling, Christophe Says

January 16, 2015?Reporting of so-called short trades, investments\r\nthat reward sellers when a share price falls, could be enhanced in the United\r\nStates without invading investor privacy, said finance professor Stephen E.\r\nChristophe, a consultant for Nathan Associates. The economy would benefit from\r\nsuch … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 16, 2015

Wrongful Termination

Nathan Associates experts have substantial experience providing expert analysis and testimony in cases and projects involving wrongful termination claims. The cases listed below are representative of past engagements of our experts. Retaliation Employee v. State Department of Corrections Dr. Chen … Read More

January 2, 2015

Final Evaluation of Key ACP EU Trade Assistance Programmes

Evaluating past EU trade programmes
The EU’s share of trade with ACP countries accounts for a small part of its foreign trade. Moreover, this share has declined in recent years, despite decades of tariff preferences in favour of ACP countries under the Cotonou agreement. For most ACP countries – and for virtually all African ACP countries – the EU is the main trading partner. Moreover, ACP exports remain concentrated in a few primary products, which are mainly commodities. Alongside the multilateral liberalisation process, many ACP countries are pursuing comprehensive regional integration processes. However, intra-regional trade is still fairly low in many regions.
A thematic global evaluation of the European Commission’s (EC) support to Trade-Related Assistance in Third Countries was finalised in 2013. The main objectives of the evaluation were to provide an overall independent assessment of the EC’s past and current support to Trade-Related Assistance in Third Countries and to identify key lessons in order to improve the EC’s current and future strategies and programmes.
Nathan is partnering with Transtec to conduct the evaluation of three EU ACP Trade Programmes simultaneously, so as to draw overarching conclusions on good practices and lessons learned, and recommendations regarding previous and recent strategies and programming architectures on how ongoing and future EU funded trade assistance should be designed to be most effective, efficient, relevant and sustainable, with special attention to milestones and complementarity.… Read More

Other Employment Litigation, Studies, and Surveys

 Employees v. Medical Device Corporation Dr. Fruits provided expert witness services to plaintiffs in several individual cases involving allegations that injuries stemming from defective medical devices hindered their job opportunities. Dr. Fruits evaluated occupational data from the U.S. and State … Read More

January 1, 2015

Workforce Audits

Nathan Associates experts have substantial experience providing expert analysis in connection with pre- and post-litigation workforce audits. The cases listed below are representative of past engagements of our experts. Time-Keeping System Audit for an International Furniture Company Dr. Chen Song … Read More

International Port Arbitration Case- Puerto Callao, Peru

The Government of Peru held two separate concessions, one for each terminal at the Port of Callao. The South Pier concession was held first and the North Pier concession was held years later. In this arbitration, the private company, which … Read More

Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. v. Serra Chevrolet, Inc.

United States District Court, Northern District of Alabama Sue Heinemann acted as the expert witness on behalf of the plaintiff concerning quantification of Mitsubishi’s lost profits from defendant’s alleged breach of dealer franchise agreement. Ms. Heinemann’s work included analysis of … Read More

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