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Developing a Module on the New Paradigm of Regulation and Competition

Nathan developed the module on the New Paradigm of Regulation and Competition for the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA). The module traced the origins of regulation and competition in the Indian economy since independence; highlighted the existing regulators and … Read More

December 5, 2014

Baker Urges Caution in Allowing R&D Defense Argument

December 5, 2014?Antitrust specialist Jonathan B. Baker cautioned against accepting arguments that protecting monopolistic behavior can be good for innovation, and he described a fresh approach to testing those arguments. \r\n Baker, a former U.S. regulator and now professor at … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Caribbean Spectrum Planning and Management

On behalf of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Nathan Associates evaluated the frequency band plans of 14 Caribbean countries. We conducted a comprehensive review of frequency allocations, proposed changes to each national … Read More

December 1, 2014

Dani Rodrik Emphasizes Craft in Economics

Economists must heed their craft as well as science if they want to solve real-world problems, the noted development and globalization economist Dani Rodrick said. And by craftsmanship he means mastery of an “inventory” of models and applying the right … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

November 21, 2014

Nathan’s Goans Updates Intellectual Property Guide

November 7, 2014?Judy Winegar Goans, an intellectual property specialist at Nathan\r\nAssociates, has completed a new edition of Intellectual\r\nProperty: Principles and Practice, an internationally focused guide to the\r\nintricacies of copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secrets for businesses,\r\nlegal professionals, and universities. \r\n\r\n … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

November 19, 2014

India’s Competition Law and Enforcement More Rigorous and Consistent in 2014

November 5, 2014?India?s competition authority is maturing, according to Ram Tamara, Jincy Elizabeth Francis, and Nandita Jain. In The Handbook of Competition Economics 2015, a publication of the Global Competition Review, the three economists describe how decisions by the Competition … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

November 5, 2014

William Easterly’s The Tyranny of Experts: The Undoubted Merits of Individual Liberty, Individual Initiative and Democracy

Thomas Timberg William Easterly’s The Tyranny of Experts, a critique of top-down attempts at economic development, starts with the shocking story of an Ethiopian farming community expelled from ancestral lands needed by a foreign agribusiness firm. The army carried out … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 31, 2014

Nathan Associates Wins Leadership in Public Financial Management Contract

October 31, 2014—Nathan Associates is gearing up to execute the four-year, $21 million Leadership in Public Financial Management II (LPFM II) project for USAID. Our development practitioners will channel their expertise in PFM, trade, macroeconomic analysis, and economic policy through a wide range of activities—training, trade and regulatory diagnostics and analysis, country assessments, and communication of applied research and best practices.… Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

AEO Handbook to Aid Customs Modernization Worldwide

May 21, 2010–Customs administrators in developing countries now have a practical, step-by-step guide to improving customs performance: the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Program Implementation handbook. Produced by Nathan Associates under the TCBoost project and in collaboration with the World Customs … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Programming for Economic Growth

Does economic growth always benefit the poor and the disadvantaged? What do we know about how to foster enduring growth that does benefit them? How effective are USAID’s economic growth programs in the context of U.S. foreign assistance objectives? USAID … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

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