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Economics Key to Postconflict Stability Ops and Reconstruction

Waller at National Defense University December 1, 2011?As the leader of the former Public Finance Management Assistance Group (PFMAG) in Iraq, senior vice president James Wallar can conclude with certainty that expedience is anathema to development. Speaking at the 7th … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 31, 2014

Business Links Can Develop Apparel Industry in ASEAN

November 15, 2012–For some members of the Association ofSouth East Asian Nations (ASEAN), having to import raw material for apparel production dampens competitiveness. In a recent article on the rise of apparel suppliers as Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia, just-style.com turned … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Welcoming Franck Wiebe

Special economic adviser with fresh ideas in development economics Franck Wiebe, former Chief Economist of the Millenium Challenge Corporation, has joined Nathan Associates? division of International Development Economics as a special economic adviser. Mr. Wiebe will work on a range … Read More

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Richard Blankfeld, Long-Time Nathan Economist, Dies

Richard Blankfeld, who joined Nathan Associates in 1978 and played an integral role in the firm?s evolution, has died after struggling for more than two years with cancer. Richard Blankfeld in Stonetown, Zanzibar, in February 2011 ?Richard was a diligent … Read More

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Approach to Monitoring Port Performance Unveiled at IAME Conference 2014

August 12, 2014?There seem to be as many ways to gauge port\r\nperformance as there are analysts?but is this abundance efficient or even\r\nuseful? Is there a simpler way, for example, to rank the performance of terminals\r\nwithout imposing onerous data collection requirements? … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Chaudhary, Tolle Join Nathan Board

August 14, 2014?Usha Chaudhary, chief financial\r\nofficer and vice president at the Washington Post, and Wolfgang Tolle, a\r\nNorthern Virginia technology entrepreneur and international business executive,\r\nhave joined Nathan Associates Inc.?s board of directors. \r\n\r\n Ms. Chaudhary and Mr. Tolle were\r\nelected in August … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Foreign Aid Study Delves Behind Planners, Searchers

September 23, 2014-Do planners or searchers hold the key to improving the lot of the world’s poor? A new information resource can help answer this question. What works for market development: A review of the evidence examines existing research on … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Young Guests of Nathan Hope to Serve Myanmar

October 29, 2014 ?Three young adults with a strong\r\ncommitment to serving their native Myanmar are making the rounds of Washington,\r\nD.C., and observing work at Nathan Associates as recipients of fellowships from\r\nthe Robert R. Nathan Memorial Foundation. \r\n\r\n The\r\nthree?Wint War Lwin, … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Tyler Cowen Gives Well Above Average Talk at Nathan

October 24, 2014?Information technology and globalization\r\nhave caused an ?unbalanced growth model? with implications for advanced and\r\ndeveloping economies alike, best-selling economist Tyler Cowen told Nathan\r\nemployees. Cowen, a professor at George Mason University, gave his assessment\r\nwhile discussing why ?Average is Over,? also … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 24, 2014

SamoaTel Share Capital Auctioned to Private Investor

The Government of Samoa conducted an open and transparent auction of 75 percent of share capital in SamoaTel Limited resulting in an offer of $11 million from AST Telecom LLC from American Samoa. SamoaTel is the national telecommunications company, provider … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 21, 2014

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