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Panama, Update of Dry Bulk Market Segment Study for Panama Canal

As part of its canal expansion project, the Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP) planned the construction of a third set of locks (which later were developed and became operational in 2016). With new and larger locks in place, larger … Read More

November 24, 2011

Economic Impact of Legalizing Commercial Resort Casinos in Florida

State’s economists turn to Indian Gaming Report for data To generate additional state revenue, Florida is considering legalizing commercial resort casinos. But there is debate over whether legalization would generate incremental revenue for the state given that the introduction of … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

November 18, 2011

Food Security Agenda Taking Shape in ASEAN

Private Sector Presents Recommendations to ASEAN October 3-6, 2011″ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry, agricultural and food processing companies, farmers” associations, think tanks, and local government officials involved in food trade, safety, and regulation gathered in Jakarta for the third … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 13, 2011

SAFSA Global Forum 2011 Shapes Path for ASEAN Apparel Industry

Alliance is “Model of Economic Integration of ASEAN” Leaders of textile and apparel firms from the ten member states of ASEAN met with buyers for global brands at the second annual Source ASEAN Full Service Alliance (SAFSA) forum at the … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 11, 2011

Zimbabwe Strategic Economic Research and Analysis (SERA)

Since 2009, Zimbabwe’s government has been working to restore macroeconomic stability and boost economic growth. The government has made significant progress, but numerous structural reforms are still needed to increase growth and encourage trade, investment, and job creation. In support … Read More

October 1, 2011

Haiti, Feasibility Study of Northern Ports

The inadequacy of Haiti’s main port in Port-au-Prince became clear when life-saving relief supplies and food could not reach Haitians after the earthquake in 2010. To support the government’s efforts to create economic opportunities outside of Port-au-Prince, USAID initiated improvements … Read More

September 28, 2011

Maximizing Agricultural Revenue through Knowledge, Enterprise Development, and Trade (MARKET)

Nathan provided technical assistance to strengthen food security in ASEAN’s member states through the Maximizing Agricultural Revenue through Knowledge, Enterprise Development, and Trade (MARKET) project, the fifth under the ADVANCE program. MARKET had three objectives: Strengthen the ASEAN institutional platform … Read More

Oman, Financial Simulation Model for Duqm Special Economic Zone

To develop the Duqm Special Economic Zone (DSEZ) the Government of Oman is establishing a seaport, dry dock, free trade zone, industrial area, refinery, petrochemical complex, airport, and residential and commercial facilities. The zone is set aside to become a … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

September 10, 2011

Robert Nathan Gets His Due: Lacey’s Keep From All Thoughtful Men Sheds Light on Economists and WWII Strategy

The miracle of US munitions production in WWII was not capacity but the proper channeling of capacity as guided by the economic concept of feasibility. According to Jim Lacey, author of Keep From All Thoughtful Men: How U.S. Economists Won … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

September 2, 2011

National Port Master Plan (NPMP), NPMP Decree Preparation, and Activity Design (Indonesia)

Indonesia mandated the Directorate General of Sea Transportation (DGST) to prepare a National Ports Master Plan (NPMP) by June 2010 as part of the country’s port reform efforts, however the first version of the plan failed to meet technical expectations. … Read More

September 1, 2011

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