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Page 78 of 98

Socio-Economic Impact of Water and Sanitation Programs

Nathan assessed the impact of a water and sanitation program run by Friends of Women’s World Banking (FWWB), an organization in India that provides financial and training services to organizations promoting self-reliance among poor women. The program provided loans to … Read More

January 4, 2011

Economic Regulation of Airlines Ticket Pricing in India

Nathan conducted a study for the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Ministry of Civil Aviation of the Government of India, which defined “predatory” and “excessive” pricing within the context of India’s civil aviation sector. The study also assisted the Ministry … Read More

January 2, 2011

Alleged anticompetitive conduct involving Indian Gaming in Southern California

Superior Court of the State of California (2011) In relation to California Cartwright Act claims, it was alleged that a Native American tribe’s casino development deal fell through as a result of anticompetitive conduct (market allocation and boycott/refusal to deal) … Read More


January 1, 2011

Supporting Human Rights in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asian experts in human rights have created the Human Rights Resource Centre for ASEAN (HRRCA) to broaden dialogue based in the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights the official body for fulfilling ASEAN’s chartered commitment to supporting human rights. … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

December 20, 2010

Nathan Associates Applauds Korea’s Role in G20 Summit

South Korea, the first emerging economy to host a G-20 Summit, is a firm believer in economic growth as the “most effective cure for poverty” (President Lee Myung-bak, Washington Post, November 10, 2010). Nathan Associates has long shared that belief, … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

November 18, 2010

Prequal for Sale of Shares in SamoaTel Limited Ends

Nathan Associates is advising the Government of Samoa on the sale of 75 percent of the share capital of SamoaTel Limited, a national telecommunications company currently 100-percent government-owned. SamoaTel operates a GSM mobile network and a fixed line network that … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

November 16, 2010

Morocco New Business Opportunities Project Launched

Turning Opportunities into Sales Nathan’s Morocco New Business Opportunities (NBO) was formally launched June 27, 2006 by USAID and Morocco’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Economic Upgrading (MICMAN). A four year project, NBO is expected to create as many as … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

October 18, 2010

Southern Africa, Trade Facilitation and Capacity Building

Under USAID’s Trade Facilitation and Capacity Building project, Nathan Associates is helping to boost the  competitiveness of 10 countries in Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zambia. Five of these belong to the Southern … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


September 30, 2010

Southern Africa Trade Hub

The USAID-funded Southern Africa Trade Hub (SATH) project delivered technical assistance to governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations in advancing Southern African regional integration, inta-regional trade, and food security and in strengthening selected value chains. SATH’s objectives included: … Read More

September 20, 2010

Indian Gaming Industry Report Cited in Financial Times

The annual report on Indian gaming authored by Principal Economist Alan Meister was recently cited in the Financial Times. The article describes how some Native American tribes are struggling to repay loans used to finance casinos. Dr. Meister’s annual study … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

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