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Nathan India Delivers Insight for Clients

Local businesses benefit from surveys, impact analysis, and econometric analysis Nathan India, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nathan Associates Inc., has opened an office in Chennai, India. Staffed with expert economists and highly skilled researchers, the subsidiary is providing private … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 20, 2010

Lakhbir Singh Elected President and Chief Operating Officer

Nathan Associates is pleased to announce that Lakhbir Singh has been elected president and chief operating officer, effective September 15, 2008. As president and COO, Dr. Singh will bring his laser-like focus on client service and technical quality to the … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 13, 2010

Nathan Honored for Role in Commerce Department’s Achievement of the Century

On December 7, 1999, the U.S. Department of Commerce honored Robert R. Nathan for his role in developing the most important economic measures of this century the National Income and Product Accounts and their key component, the Gross Domestic Product. … Read More

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Franz Wolf, Former Nathan Economist

When interviewed in 2000 as a “centenarian,” Franz Wolf attributed his longevity to deep devotion to family and his love for his work as an economist. Nathan Associates was fortunate to benefit from Mr. Wolf’s formidable skills as an economist … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 11, 2010

Sri Lanka Gets Help on PR Campaign to Restore Tourists’ Confidence

The Competitiveness Program gets another $ million for a PR campaign to re-attract tourists to the island. Sri Lanka’s hopes for the return of tourists in 2005 will get a boost from the new Tourism Communications Project. Managed by Nathan … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 10, 2010

E-commerce Law in Sri Lanka is Milestone for ICT Development

More Sri Lankans are likely to make online purchases and conduct online banking since Parliament unanimously passed the Electronic Transactions bill in March 2006. That bill marks an important achievement for Sri Lanka’s ICT industry. The purpose of the bill … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 7, 2010

Nathan Associates Co-sponsors Seminar on Islamic Banking

Date: 2001-2005 Dr. Thomas Timberg presented “Islamic Banking in Indonesia,” and the “Blueprint for the Development of Shariah Banking in Indonesia” at a seminar March 18, 2003, at Nathan Associates Inc., 2101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1200, Arlington, Virginia. Sponsored by … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Marketing Mongolia in Chicago

As part of the Competitiveness Initiative, representatives of the Mongolian tourism industry attended the International Adventure Travel and Outdoor Sports Show (IATOS) in Chicago from February 15-18, 2001. This was the first time that Mongolian ground operators had targeted the … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Sri Lanka’s “Champagne” of Rubber Debuts in U.S. and Global Markets

Date: 2001-2005 U.S. industrial consumers in search of superior rubber for sophisticated products need look no further than Lankeprene–Sri Lanka’s latex crepe and the champagne of natural rubber. Lankeprene is the purest form of natural rubber, lowest in protein, lightest … Read More

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How are Corruption and Economic Growth Linked?

Nathan Associates Chief Economist Bruce Bolnick and Managing Associate Alexander Greenbaum gave a presentation March 22 at a USAID-sponsored roundtable discussion on corruption and economic growth. The presentation, Fighting Corruption: Prevention vs. Enforcement, focused on the links between corruption and economic … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

January 6, 2010

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