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Economic Impact of the Panama Canal and Logistics Sector on the Panamanian Economy

Nathan was selected to perform a cost benefit analysis of the Panama Canal and its inter-related activities on the Panamanian Economy. The canal zone had expanded to include a set of inter-related activities increasingly linked to international trade and less … Read More

Costa Rica, Due Diligence Analysis of Juan Santamaría International Airport

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) provided financing to a private consortium to operate the Juan Santamaría International Airport, the gateway to Costa Rica. Nathan conducted a due diligence analysis of the sponsors’ development … Read More

Palau Telecom Sector Reform

Support for Legal and Regulatory Reform in Telecommunications: Nathan Associates advised the Government of the Republic of Palau on drafting a new telecommunications law to enable effective competition. Some of the provisions in the law covered a modern spectrum licensing … Read More

Rio Cordoba Coal Port Society Technical Review (Colombia)

A private client was interested in investing in a coal mine project in Colombia, and hired Nathan to review the business opportunities. The project included a review of two concessions to exploit coal (El Hatillo and Cerro Largo), equity participation … Read More

Master Plan Feasibility Study for Puerto Bahia Liquid Products Terminal (Colombia)

The petroleum sector in Colombia has been a major beneficiary of the improved security situation, relatively sustained economic growth, and a liberalized foreign investment regime. While Colombia’s production had generally been allocated for domestic consumption, production surpassed domestic demand in … Read More

Market Assessment for the Port of Ancón (Peru)

Container trade in Peru has significantly expanded in the last decade, but it is concentrated mainly in Callao and in a small portion of the northern port of Paita. Callao’s historic share of the country’s container market is stable and … Read More

Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of the Puerto Salgar Fluvial Terminal (Colombia)

The USTDA awarded several grants to support the expansion of the port sector in Colombia, including one to fund feasibility studies associated with terminal rehabilitation at the Port of Salgar. The port is located along the Magdalena River near the … Read More

Armenia, Zvartnots International Airport Due Diligence

The Government of Armenia proposed to grant a 30-year concession contract to a private consortium for management of the Zvartnots International Airport. On behalf of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Nathan conducted a due diligence analysis of … Read More

Inclusive Growth Programme Nepal

The Inclusive Growth Programme (UNNATI) is in 7 districts in the Eastern Development Region (EDR). The programme focuses on providing support to the private sector, and is expected to strengthen market-based inclusive growth. The overall objective of the programme is … Read More

El Salvador, Ports Market Consultancy and Support for Port Privatization

Containerized trade volumes handled in El Salvador were approaching the capacity limits of the port in Acajutla. To ensure the country’s ability to meet domestic and regional demand for port services, the Government of El Salvador built the port facility … Read More

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