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DAI–Nathan Group Awarded GBTI II Indefinite Quantity Contract

On March 1, 2007, USAID Washington announced that DAI–Nathan Group was among the nine awardees of the Global Business, Trade and Investment II IQC, a contract vehicle with a ceiling value of $3 billion over the next five years. Through … Read More

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E-center Aims to Help Preserve Ifugao Heritage

The Ifugao rice terraces are a cultural treasure of the people of the Philippines Cordilleras and a UNESCO world heritage site, but they are endangered. The Last Mile Initiative-Philippines, an activity of the Nathan-managed EMERGE project funded by USAID, recently … Read More

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ICT Entrepreneurship Training in Egypt Building Local Capacity

Nathan’s Egyptian ICT Entrepreneurship Program held its first capacity-building session July 22-24, 2006, in Egypt. Dr. Andrew Gershoff, Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Michigan, instructed 23 faculty members of local organizations in training methodology and advanced training techniques. The next … Read More

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Pablo de la Flor Champions US-Peru FTA

April 2006—In Peru, building trade capacity means getting ready to grow. The recent signing of a free trade agreement between the United States and Peru marks the penultimate stage of a long series of negotiations. Final approval should be reached … Read More

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An Interview with Ram Tamara

Econometricians wear many hats, according to Peter Kennedy, author of A Guide to Econometrics. As economists they use economic theory to analyze problems; as mathematicians they formulate economic theory appropriate for statistical testing; as accountants they collect economic data; as … Read More

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Trade Fairs—Centerpiece of Salvadoran Exports

Date: 2001-2005 Under the watchful eye of Nathan trade specialists, 15 Salvadoran companies exporting fruit teas, organic coffee, cashews, honey, nutritional supplements, soaps, lotions, herbal medicines, indigo dye, and other items gathered at Natural Products Expo East in Washington last month … Read More

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The Economic Impact of Protecting Northern Right Whales

As reported in the Washington Post, right whale 1909 was found dead on a North Carolina beach on November 24th, prompting renewed urgency in calls for speed limits for ships traveling along the mid-Atlantic coast. Working for the National Oceanic … Read More

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Sri Lanka Competing in the Global Marketplace

Date: 2001-2005 Did you know that . . . The seat in your Mercedes comes from Sri Lankan coconuts? Your high-end ceramic dishes were designed and produced in Sri Lanka? The cinnamon in your curry is Sri Lanka’s finest? The … Read More

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Measuring Economic Freedom

Date: 2001-2005 What is the best way to measure economic freedom in a developing country? Are the most effective measures external or internal? Imposed from outside a society or embraced from within it? The answers to these questions may affect … Read More

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Robert R. Nathan, 1908-2001, In Appreciation

Date: 2001-2005 Economist, adviser, visionary, humanitarian—Robert R. Nathan, founder of Nathan Associates died September 4, 2001, at the age of 92. A renowned economist who could explain complex economic theories in plain language, Bob Nathan was among the first economists … Read More

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