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Page 92 of 98

Honeywell Settles Litton Lawsuit for $440 Million

Nathan Associates gave testimony on antitrust violations in both damage trials Honeywell International recently agreed to pay Northrop Grumman Corporation $440 million, ending 11 years of litigation. In the original lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles in … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

December 16, 2009

Jordan’s National Strategy to Alleviate Poverty

Date: 2001-2005 4/30/2002 The half million Jordanians who wake up each day in poverty have reason to hope. In May His Majesty King Abdullah launched a comprehensive social safety net program to combat poverty at all levels and boost the … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Accelerating Export and Investment . . . Egypt

Since joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, Egypt has made steady progress toward participation in the global economy. But before the country can fully benefit from freer trade and speed the growth of exports and investments, it must … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Mandela Economics Scholars in Trade Negotiation Exercise

Date: 2001-2005 Nathan Associates led simulated trade negotiations for 35 Mandela Economic Scholars as part of a workshop held May 2-5, 2001, in Arlington, Virginia. The simulated negotiations were led by Lance Graef, Vice President of Nathan Associates’ International Trade Policy … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Jordan’s National Strategy to Alleviate Poverty

Date: 2001-2005 4/30/2002 The half million Jordanians who wake up each day in poverty have reason to hope. In May His Majesty King Abdullah launched a comprehensive social safety net program to combat poverty at all levels and boost the … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates

Samoa, Transaction Advisory Services for Privatization of Samoatel Limited

Nathan  advised the Samoan Ministry of Finance on the country’s largest privatization transaction: the sale of 75 percent of SamoaTel Ltd. share capital. Nathan and its partners performed the technical, financial, and legal due diligence as well as the valuation … Read More

December 15, 2009

Jordan: Fiscal Reform II

The Kingdom of Jordan had an ambitious agenda for accelerating economic growth, promoting social inclusion, and stimulating social and political development. The agenda entailed helping Jordanian Customs modernize operations, meet international commitments, and facilitate trade while ensuring that the private … Read More

November 1, 2009

Brazil, Technical Assistance for PROAERO Airports Network Program Expansion Plan

Under a contract with USTDA and Brazil’s Transport and Public Works Secretariat, Nathan Associates helped develop a strategic plan for the next phase of the PROAERO airport expansion, covering capital expenditures, equipment procurement specifications, and financing options. We provided expert … Read More

October 30, 2009

Impact of Competition Reforms on Enhanced Welfare in Developing Countries

Nathan is providing Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) International research support for the Competition Reforms for Enhancing Welfare (CREW) project. The purpose of the project is to develop an approach to evaluating the impact of competition reform on consumers … Read More

October 6, 2009

Benchmarking the International Competitiveness of the Indian Textile and Apparel Industry

For the Ministry of Textiles, Nathan India, along with the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), conducted a study to benchmark the Indian textile and apparel industry vis-à-vis its competitors in the post-Multi Fiber Agreement era. The … Read More

March 26, 2009

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