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Consulting Services: SEC Investigations of Options Backdating

A Nathan expert provided consulting services for defendant companies in connection with SEC investigations of options backdating practices. Services included conducting a series of statistical tests on the company stock option grant dates to identify those dates where the short-term … Read More

February 28, 2008

VALUE Project

Under this project, Nathan Associates enhanced the competitiveness and integration of supply chains in the textile and apparel sectors of ASEAN’s ten member states. The sector is important to many states, especially the developing countries of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. … Read More

February 21, 2008

Worldwide Trade Capacity Building (TCBoost) Project

TCBoost supported USAID in extending the benefits of globalization deeply and broadly throughout the developing world. A rapid-response mechanism that addressed a wide variety of needs in developing countries, TCBoost gave USAID/Washington, USAID missions, and trade hubs expert assistance in … Read More

February 1, 2008

East Africa, Diagnostic Study of Northern and Central Corridors

The port of Mombasa in Kenya and the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania are anchor points for two transport routes: the Northern Corridor and the Central Corridor. Both are crucial for the domestic, regional, and international trade of … Read More

Guyana Threshold Country Program/Implementation Plan

Through the MCC-funded Guyana Threshold Country Program/ Implementation Plan (GTCP/IP), Nathan Associates helped Guyana improve its climate for business investment and made it possible for the government to lower its fiscal deficit. Guyana has improved its performance on fiscal indicators … Read More

Graphic Nathan Associates


January 14, 2008

Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund (FRICH)

The £7.3 million Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund (FRICH) managed by Nathan invited UK and, later, European food businesses to develop innovative, sustainable business models designed to bring more African food products to the UK and Europe. This increased trade … Read More

January 7, 2008

Patent Misuse Antitrust Involving Flash Memory

In the Matter of Certain Flash Memory Controllers, Drives, Memory Cards, and Media Players and Products Containing Same U.S.International Trade Commission, Washington D.C.(2008) Russell Mangum acted as the expert witness on behalf of respondent Kingston, and in rebuttal to an … Read More


January 1, 2008

Damages in Employment Discrimination in Promotion

On February 26, 2008, New York City agreed to settle in Wright v. Stern, a federal class-action discrimination lawsuit against the Department of Parks and Recreation for more than $21 million. In settling, the department also committed to making major … Read More


Africa, Priorities and Investment Strategy for Transport System in Eastern and Southern Africa

The World Bank desired to increase intra-Africa trade along transport corridors in eastern and southern Africa. Nathan identified a strategic transport network for the region that could serve the current and future freight transport needs of 15 countries and 15 … Read More

LUNA-Lao Project

Under this project, Nathan Associates supported the Government of Lao PDR in making the reforms necessary for the country to join the WTO, implement the U.S.-Lao PDR Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA), meet its obligations under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), … Read More

December 19, 2007

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